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Standards and Guidelines for Engaging First Nation Communities in Archaeology

Things to know about Standards:

–          Archaeologists in Ontario are REQUIRED to engage First Nation communities in the following stages of an archaeological project in relation to Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists:

1. Stage 3: When you are assessing the cultural heritage value or interest of a First Nations archaeological site that is known to have or appears to have sacred or spiritual importance, or is associated with traditional land uses or geographic features of cultural heritage interest, or is the subject of First Nation oral histories. [Section 3.4]

2. At the end of Stage 3: When formulating a strategy to mitigate the impacts on the following types of First Nation archaeological sites through avoidance and protection or excavation [Sections 3.4 and 3.5]:

a. rare First Nation archaeological sites;

b. sites identified as sacred or known to contain human remains;

c. woodland First Nation sites;

d. aboriginal archaeological sites where topsoil stripping is contemplated;

e. undisturbed First Nation sites;

f. sites previously identified as of interest to a First Nation community.

When you have engaged First Nation communities as part of an archaeological project, you are required to provide a description of the engagement and a copy of any documentation arising from the process to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. Consultant archaeologists must submit this information as part of the supplementary documentation included in the Project Report Package. [Section 7.6.2]

Guidelines, for when you should engage with First Nation communities:

  1. Consultation with First Nation communities will benefit research conducted in Stage 1, and this will give insight into traditional use areas, sacred sites, and other notable knowledge available.
  2. Being aware of all First Nation interests and this will be benefit archaeologists when addressing areas of low archaeological potential and assessment of the property for Stage 3 fieldwork.
  3. When recommendations are made regarding the excavation or preservation of a First Nation site of cultural heritage value or interest.